Dự án này góp phần vào mục tiêu cải thiện sinh kế cho nông dân sản xuất nhỏ ở SCC VN và quản lý đất bền vững ở WA. Mục tiêu cụ thể của dự án là xác định và tạo thuận lợi cho việc áp dụng công nghệ và chiến lược sử dụng nước ngầm bền vững và phát triển các giải pháp cải thiện năng suất của đất tại SCC VN và WA.


Project duration: 4 years

Proposed start date: March 2014

Project leader: NSW Department of Primary Industries

Administrative Contact: NSW Department of Primary Industries

Collaborating scientist: Flinders University

Country partner collaborating scientist: Nong Lam University

The issues

This project aims to improve profitability and sustainability of water use in groundwater-dependent smallholder farming systems in South Central Coastal Vietnam (SCC VN). The groundwater resource in SCC VN is vulnerable to overexploitation andpollutiondue to nutrientand contaminantleaching. Improving knowledge of groundwater resources will improve planning and regulation of their use and boost livelihoods on farmsthrough moreproductive water and nutrient use

Improving the productivity and sustainable management of soil and water are common priorities for SCC VN and Western Australia (WA). Biophysical constraints, including >330,000 ha of low fertility sands and climatic extremes, present challenges for agricultural production and poverty alleviation in SCC VN. Groundwater dependent farming systems are mostly established on sands and are frequently affected by water shortages during the 7 to 9 month dry season. Predominant crops in groundwater-dependant areas are cashew,cassava,mango, peanutand vegetables. Crop productivity is constrained by soil physical limitations and nutrient deficiencies associated with the sandsIntegrated water, soil and nutrient management is akey to improving their productive capacity.

Priorities and strategies for the project were developed through consultationswith Vietnamese research, planning and extension agencies andthe findings of a prior ACIAR commissioned small research activity (SRA).

Objectives and outputs

This project contributes toward the goal of improving livelihoods for smallholder farmers in SCC VN and to sustainable soil management in WA. The specific aim for the project is to identify and facilitate adoption of technologies and strategies for sustainable groundwater utilisation and to develop options for improving the productivity of soils in SCC VN and WA.

Objectives for the project are to:

1.        Assess groundwater utilisation and quality in targeted areas within BinhDinh and NinhThuan provinces in SCC VN

2.    Evaluate methods to improve on-farm water use efficiency and to overcome soil constraints and reduce nutrient leaching in SCC VN and WA

3.    Facilitate scale out of promising technologies, communicate beneficial outcomes to next users and end users and increase the capacity of research and extension personnel and farmers in water use, soil and nutrient management in SCC VN


The primary outputs are expected to be:

·          Groundwater model and improved knowledge of the regional groundwater balance and its economic value for agriculturein SCC VN now and into the future

·          Integrated water, soil and nutrient management training modules for Vietnamese farmers

·          Irrigation, fertiliser and soil managementoptions for overcoming soil constraints to increase soil productivity in SCC VN and WA

·          Demonstrations to encourage adoption of promising technologies and practices and proposals to secure central government approval and funding for expanding scale out programs in SCC VN

·          Communication to influence policy and initiatives aimed at improving groundwater sustainability in SCC VN

Adoption pathways and dissemination of outputs

Outputs of scientific significance will be disseminated inVietnamese and international journals and conference proceedings. Annual workshops will be held with key institutional stakeholders to maintain awareness of project outputs.Communication via farmer networks in WAwill ensure knowledge is disseminated to farmers.

In SCC VN the project will support demonstrations of promising technologies and practices.  The demonstrations will also function as a training resource for extension personnel and farmers. Specific purpose extension television stations will be approached to broadcast training videos filmed at demonstration sites. Activities will also be established to disseminate knowledge through farmers’associations and the Vietnamese Women’s Union.

Project benefits

·          When adoption is achieved for water and nutrient efficient technologies, potential net gains of USD 9 million /yearare projected for peanut, cashew & mango farmers in SCC VN

·          Protection and recognition of theeconomic value of groundwater resources for agriculture in SCC VN

·          Options to improve economic efficiency of water and fertiliser use and increase crop productivity in SCC VN and WA.

Soil and nutrient managementresearch in WA will add value to research in Vietnam. Addressing groundwater quality issues in SCC VN has potential to stimulate initiatives that deliver community health benefits.


Commissioned organisation:Murdoch University. Australian collaborators: Flinders University. Country partners: Agricultural Science Institute for Southern Central Coastal Vietnam (ASISOV); Department of Agricultural and Rural Development (DARDBinhDinh and NinhThuan); Institute of Agricultural Science for Southern Vietnam (IAS SV); Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF); Nong Lam University (NLU), Centre for Water Resource Planning and Investigation (CWRPIS-Division 7), Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE BinhDinh).

Số lần xem trang: 2160
Điều chỉnh lần cuối: 21-08-2018

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